General Relativity Theory is global and simple; black holes, which quantum mechanics define as extremely complex, have been compared to a hologram in a new study. The new research is thought to combine the results of General Relativity and quantum mechanics.

We’ve all seen that fascinating black hole photo that was displayed for the first time in history last year. A frightening darkness in its middle and a flame-colored ring around it … Even though there are multiple theories about the nature of the black hole, scientists from Italy have now developed a new theory and resembled the black holes as a ‘hologram’. Accordingly, all the information is stacked on a two-dimensional surface that can create a three-dimensional image. From this point of view, these cosmic objects, which are the largest ‘memory’ in nature, which can store huge amounts of information in nature, as determined by quantum theory, appear in two dimensions.

On the other hand, this idea is also compatible with Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. In this theory, black holes are seen as three-dimensional, simple, spherical and smooth; just as we saw in the image from last year. In short, black holes ‘look’ in three dimensions just like holograms. Combining two incompatible theories, the new research was published in the journal Physical Review X.

The secret of black holes:

Black holes are still a mystery for scientists. These mysterious cosmic structures are one of the areas in which Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity and quantum theory have difficulty understanding. According to the General Theory of Relativity, black holes, simple objects without information, but for some physicists, including Stephen Hawking, black holes should be the most complex system available because entropy, which is the measure of the complexity of the system, is thought to be large. This results in black holes needing to store large amounts of information.

Scientists who have done the research say that they have used this idea, called the holographic first, for about 30 years. This ‘innovative’ and ‘non-intuitive’ idea says that the behavior of gravitation in a particular area of ​​space can alternatively be defined in terms of another system. Here, this system lives only at the tip of the region, and therefore a low dimension. In this holographic definition, gravity does not appear clearly. In other words, the holographic principle; It allows us to define gravity in a language that does not contain gravity, thereby avoiding incompatibility with quantum mechanics.

Even more obvious, there are two dimensions in the black holes where the gravitational dimension disappears, but they can reproduce a three-dimensional object. Scientists state that they hope that these theoretical approaches will be confirmed by observations in the near future.


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