US President Donald Trump is loaded with the capital Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser with the words “badly clumsy” and “not competent enough to run an important city like Washington DC”.

Tensions escalate between Mayor Muriel Bowser and Trump in Washington DC, where tensions fell in protests against black Americans George Floyd’s police violence.

In Bowser’s statements, the attack came after Trump after saying that he did not want the National Guard and other military units in the city, his anti-Trump rhetoric, and the “Black Lives Matter” printed on the road opposite the White House.

“Bowser is grossly incompetent and in no way competent enough to run an important city like Washington DC.” If the National Guards hadn’t landed, Bowser wouldn’t have done better than the Mayor of Minneapolis, “Trump said in his official Twitter account.

Stating that National Guards have been “great embarrassment” in demonstrations in Washington DC recently, Trump said, “If Bowser does not treat National Guards well, we will bring a different group.”


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