In the United States, three states will determine the fate of the elections: Which state makes which president?

Last minute … As the election results continue to be announced in the USA, there is a breathtaking race between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Although the results are evident in many states, the new president of the USA, three states in the northwest of the country play a key role. Accordingly, it will clarify the future elections from Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. So who can be the new US President if the states are not won?

The presidential elections in the USA witness a breathtaking race.

As current president Donald Trump catches up with his rival Joe Biden every minute to come, it seems that three states in the northwest of the country will determine the outcome of the election.

According to the latest AP projection data announced, Biden has 238 delegates and Trump has 213 delegates.

Assuming that Trump and Biden will take the lead in their leading states, the results in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania in the northwest of the country will be significant.

The race between the two candidates continues tough in Wisconsin and Michigan. Biden has narrow leadership in Wisconsin and Michigan, while Trump is ahead in Michigan and Pennsylvania.


Pennsylvania, state to reassure the winner’s hand, has 20 delegates. Here, only 64 percent of the votes were counted, and Trump is significantly ahead.

But even if Biden does not win Pennsylvania, if he triumphs in Michigan and Wisconsin and holds Nevada, he may open the way to the White House.

Trump won the states of Florida, Ohio, and Texas and negated Biden’s hopes for a decisive early victory. However, Biden said he was confident on the way to win by taking three important states.


Trump is thought to take Pennsylvania due to the difference in votes, but this does not give Trump’s hand much comfort. In North Carolina and Georgia, the latest data are in Trump’s favor. Considering that Trump won these three states, the number of delegates reaches 264.

If Trump gets the votes in Michigan or Wisconsin from the contested states, he could be the winner of the election.


Assuming that Trump and Biden will take the lead in their leading states, the results in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania in the northwest of the country will be significant.

These three states are estimated to be among the top voted states by mail. In addition, it was decided to count the votes sent by letter in the state of Pennsylvania until 6 November.

Therefore, if the results are left for Pennsylvania, the results of the presidential election may not be clear for a long time.


  1. Michigan (16 delegates): Biden: 49.41% / Trump: 49.05% / 94 percent of the votes counted.
  2. Wisconsin (10 delegates): Biden 49.57% / Trump: 48.94% / 95 percent of the votes counted.
  3. Pennsylvania (20 delegates): Biden: 44.04% / Trump: 54.78% / 64 percent of the votes counted.



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