According to WABetaInfo, a portal specializing in WhatsApp test version news, the most popular messenger in the world is expected to support video calls with up to 50 people “soon”. The feature was spotted on WhatsApp Web on Friday (8) and, when accessed, redirects the video call to Messenger Rooms, a platform announced in April, which will add Facebook, Instagram and Facebook Messenger services.
In the trial version of WhatsApp Web that WABetaInfo had access to, there are two video call shortcuts: one is in the menu next to the new message button, and another appears in the menu that opens when we touch the paper clip icon, inside a chat window, as in the image below:
Videoconferences through links
After accessing the feature on WhatsApp Web, an introduction window to Messenger Rooms appears, with the button to proceed with the call within the new service. It is possible to make encrypted video calls, point-to-point, with a selected Messenger contact or by sending an access link to a guest.
According to Facebook itself, the feature will be implemented primarily on Facebook, Messenger and Facebook Dating. Then it must be released for the WhatsApp application for Android and iOS, as well as for the smart display Portal.
“Hitchhiking” in the quarantine
WhatsApp currently allows video calls with a maximum of eight people simultaneously. It is possible that a new feature will be implemented as soon as possible, as it would be a possibility for Facebook to compete with services such as Zoom, Skype and Google Meet, which became much more popular after the quarantine adopted as a measure to contain the progress of the new coronavirus.