The new documentary series will arrive at Disney+

Since the launch of the Disney + platform, everything seemed to indicate that its only use would be to share content produced by the house of the mouse, as well as a few original series and movies, until now.

This May 1, comes to the platform “Prop Culture”, a documentary series that seeks to explore the history behind the most iconic objects used in the films produced by Disney.

For eight episodes, collector and show host Dan Lanigan will embark on a search for costumes, stage designs, sheet music, and props from movies that made history.

Wanted item movies include titles like Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Tron, The Muppet Movie, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe , and Mary Poppins.

In an interview with EW, Lanigan comments that he started as a collector in his childhood, with a wide variety of Star Wars figures, and continued by buying a replica of a weapon used in the movie “Who Framed Roger Rabit?”.


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