Pinterest is a social network with an image sharing feature where images are shared. It has over 400 million users. In addition, it has 1600 employees, and employees have filed some complaints recently, especially the firm including harassment and retaliation.

Pinterest has started five months of research!

The company released a report on the research it launched five months ago into its culture last Wednesday. There are, of course, the main issues in this research. The research, primarily on harassment and discrimination, is conducted by the law firm Wilmer Hale. Aiming to solve these problems, the company recommends the establishment of an “ombudsman” office, where the company can understand its employees. As a result of his research, Wilmer Hale talked to a total of 350 employees and tried to get to the root of the problem. The company’s board of directors unanimously accepted the proposal that was shared with employees on Wednesday and publicly posted on the company’s website.

The Ombudsman is the person who deals with and evaluates problems, complaints and attempts in a company and finds solutions and gives satisfactory answers to both sides.

In the past months, company employees have come to the fore with their complaints about the company. Some of these complaints led to a lawsuit against the company. Earlier in the week, former COO Francoise Brougher filed a sex discrimination lawsuit against Pinterest, resulting in the company paying Brougher and his lawyers $ 20 million. In addition, it paid 2.5 million dollars to groups deemed inadequate in technology. Wilmer Hale seems to prevent further lawsuits for the company. In addition, the company expects to get rid of the responsibility it has taken on.

The report created is important for the future of Pinterest

The published report begins with a section titled “How We Got Here”. Two company employees, Ifeoma Ozoma and Aerica Shimizu, who were previously on the policy team, spoke about racism and sexism at the company in June. According to this report, the company should set up a central workplace research team to continuously monitor employee complaints. The report, along with many results, also stated important recommendations on the path to be followed by the company and explained its recommendations as follows: Workplace issues should be investigated and comprehensive. In addition, clear and standard procedures should be followed and carried out with care.

Additionally, the report calls for a “troubleshooting team” to be set up to troubleshoot employees. “In a possible case, the company should solve the problem itself and know to whom this problem should be communicated.” It continues in the form.

Some employees also added the lack of alcohol and drug policy to their complaints. The absence of such a policy in the report made employees who do not drink alcohol feel uncomfortable in their work activities. After this complaint, the company announced that it will develop this policy in order for its employees to feel comfortable and improve their managerial behavior.

In response to the report containing many suggestions such as these suggestions, a company employee said, “Our company is determined to make the changes proposed by the Special Committee of the Board of Directors. We value our people and know our responsibility for our practice to create a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment for all. ”


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